1. We felt little sense of speed or motion.

2. The motion to amend the club´s constitution was defeated by 20 votes to 15.

3. The eternal motion of stars fascinated him.

4. The gentle rolling motion of the ship made me feel sleepy.

5. The steam-engine piston makes a cyclic motion.

6. The drug was produced in quantity and became cheaper.

7. The Russian dinner that evening was an unbelievable quantity of food.

8. Quality matters more than quantity.

9. He put a large quantity of vermouth, both sweet and dry, into a pitcher of ice, added a smaller amount of gin, stirred the concoction rapidly, and poured it out.

10. Asked how he succeeded, the student explained he had just come from a physics class on pendulum motion. What he had learned in one context transferred to a completely different one.